Waves of Change

Waves of Change


Waves of Change

Water smooth as glass, the morning still, the world awakening, the stillness creating a reflection of the sky above and of the trees below. Clouds seen dancing on the water, the ducks lazily swimming by as the sun streams thru the trees, another day beginning. Savoring my rich morning coffee, no wave in sight, I watch as the sun sparkles off the lake like a ribbon of brightly colored streamers. The stillness a reminder of God’s presence as the new day brings fresh chances, new directions, and opportunities for new beginnings.

What is your favorite time of day? 

Mornings are mine, it’s quiet and still, a sign of a day not yet in full swing. The quiet gives me time to reflect, to sit in the stillness and rejuvenate my soul before the day begins.

Some mornings as I sit out with my coffee, the weather is brisk and cool with a wind off the lake. This brisk wind creates waves with a mind of their own. Sometimes just little waves, barely creating a ripple in the water, but when the wind is strong, the waves curl, cresting with a white foam.

I prefer small waves and the ripples created, slowly rolling, meandering toward shore, not in a hurry. There’s not much humph to their power and their gentleness fills me peace. When the waves are more powerful, pushing everything along, I am reminded of the power of God.

God has the power to move us in new directions, sometimes He’s gentle as He slowly directs our path, but other times, God needs to use a little more wave action to get us to move in a new direction. Those waves, changing our path, allow God to refine us and move us beyond our comfort zone.

Change happens to us all. We choose to change the direction of life by making a conscious decision to move on a new path, but more often its God who places these choices before us, using them to refine and grow our faith. Refinement often pushes us beyond our comfort zone, causing us to rely more deeply on God than we had before. It’s an opportunity to develop a deeper relationship with the God who loves you.

This change may be a small ripple on the water, a gentle prodding wave to move us in a new direction. But sometimes the wave is more forceful, moving us in a direction we aren’t sure we’re are ready to go, there may be a sense of fear or we feel ill-equipped for the change, and most definitely it’s outside our comfort zone.

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Does what you see reflect how God sees you?

Often our fear and feeling of ill-equipping has more to do with our perception of who we are versus the who we are in Christ. We fear we’ll look foolish or others will judge us as we move toward making changes in our lives, and then there are the moments we feel ill-equipped to pursue a new path that may be outside our comfort zone.

I have found in these moments, the way to move past the fears and concerns is to look to who I am in Christ. As children of God, we are loved by Him, we are created by Him and for Him, and He will supply all we need and fill us with the strength to face the changes ahead.

What changes are you facing and what is holding you back?

Today take the time to remind yourself of who you are in Christ and embrace the changes that lie before you. Lean into Him and be amazed at how He equips and provides for you.

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2 thoughts on “Waves of Change”

  1. Thanks again for the inspiration. Glad your getting out and enjoying some of summer. I can’t believe how fast the days go by. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

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