Would you like to encounter Jesus daily?

My name is Julie and I would love to help you encounter Jesus in your daily life.
I know it is challenging in todays world to carve out time to spend with Him. I have battled through upheavals in life where I struggled to find time to spend with Jesus. Frustrated by the interruptions to my daily rhythms, I found it difficult to sense His presence and struggled to find joy and contentment.
But God used those challenges to help me learn how to experience His presence within the ups and downs of life. Now I look forward to my daily encounters with Him.
Friend, Jesus is with us every day. He is in the trenches with us, even if it doesn’t feel like it or we can’t sense Him. He is with us in the midst of life’s biggest challenges to its smallest of details.
My passion is to help you encounter the presence of Jesus, not just when life is hard, but in the ordinary moments of your day.
Subscribe to receive monthly practical tools to help you encounter Jesus. As a thank you, I'll you'll receive a sample chapter of my book Reclaiming Christmas Joy: 25 Days of Refreshment with Jesus.
From Striving to Surrender: A Journey of Faith, Healing, and Transformation
By Julie Ademe | | Inspirational | 6 Comments
This month, I share June’s story of transformation. God often uses challenging circumstances in our lives to move us from a life of striving to a life of surrender and dependence upon Him. It tends to be a painful process, but one the Lord uses to draw us closer to Him and transform us into […]
2024 March Newsletter: Abide in Jesus and Receive Abundant Fruit
By Julie Ademe | | God's Word
A vinedresser takes great care in pruning the vine. He wants them to produce lush, fragrant, vibrant-tasting fruit that yields the greatest or most abundant harvest. He is looking for something other than the quantity of fruit. In the case of grapevines, He desires superior grapes that will produce an aromatic bouquet that tastes luscious […]
Relinquishing Control: Embracing God’s Call to Rest
By Julie Ademe | | Circumstances, Faith, God's Word
The Call to Relinquish Control In case you missed it, my retina tore last month, and I needed to step back from writing to allow for healing. (Learn more) In the stepping back, I’ve struggled. Surrender is hard for me. I have never been good at slowing down and changing my plans. And embracing rest, […]
From Striving to Surrender: A Journey of Faith, Healing, and Transformation
By Julie Ademe | | Inspirational | 6 Comments
This month, I share June’s story of transformation. God often uses challenging circumstances in our lives to move us from a life of striving to a life of surrender and dependence upon Him. It tends to be a painful process, but one the Lord uses to draw us closer to Him and transform us into […]
2024 March Newsletter: Abide in Jesus and Receive Abundant Fruit
By Julie Ademe | | God's Word
A vinedresser takes great care in pruning the vine. He wants them to produce lush, fragrant, vibrant-tasting fruit that yields the greatest or most abundant harvest. He is looking for something other than the quantity of fruit. In the case of grapevines, He desires superior grapes that will produce an aromatic bouquet that tastes luscious […]