



I watch with amazement as the squirrel extends its reach as if it is being pulled from both legs, stretched out to its full capacity, reaching for the suet in the bird feeder, barely grasping it with one little foot. Its desire for a meal far outweighing its fear of falling. Its primal instinct, deep within, knows the sweet taste of the suet. This squirrel has been here before. Sometimes it falls, failing to grasp the feeder, other times it’s scared off the feeder by me, flipping head over heals to the ground, but most times, it is successful, because it has the tenacity to get back up again and try again. Because it knows It will receive the sweet satisfaction of a tasty bite to fill its stomach and satisfy it for another day. 

How many times today, have you felt stretched to your capacity, unable to give another drop, take another step, listen to another person, or do another load of laundry? As we are living each day, we all have moments where we are at our limits and feel as if we simply can’t make it another hour, and we may feel like the squirrel as it fails to grasp the feeder and it free falls to the ground. 

Failure to grasp onto something secure as we’re stretched to our limits can set us into a free fall. When I’m stretched beyond what I think I have the capacity to handle, I reach for my Rock, my God, in prayer. I know I need God’s power and strength to provide me the strength to continue moving forward. This knowledge and truth helps me, like the squirrel, to get back up again, even if I’ve fallen, and try again. 

It’s difficult when we’re not sure how to get up again, to persist when we’re stretched beyond our capacity. Yet the squirrel continues trying until it receives the treat its stretching for. We can take a lesson from the squirrel, who when stretched, gets back up again. Through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, we too can get back up again.  It’s the Holy Spirit who gives us the strength we need to make it through the day, but not simply make it through the day, to thrive. 

God’s promise of power and strength is available to all believers, When we’re weary he promises to renew our strength. We can tap into that power and strength and all we need to do is ask Him by praying.

Lord, I need your power and strength to get through this day, I am stretched beyond my capacity. Renew my strength so I can make it through this day and thrive through your power. 

I know, sounds so simple doesn’t it, and it is. God is listening, always. He is eager for us to call out each day, to start a conversation, to share our day with Him. He is waiting to hear from you. He is eager to fill you with His power and strength through the Holy Spirit who lives in you. This is where and how our capacity is increased, not under our power, but through God’s power. 

His power is much more enduring than our own. It enables us to thrive where we thought we’d fallen, to see beyond our limitations to His limitless strength, and it opens our hearts and minds to see God’s hand at work in new and amazing ways. 

Next time you are beyond what you think is your capacity, won’t you turn to God in prayer and talk to Him? Ask Him to fill you with His power and strength, to renew you so you not just make it through the day, but thrive, and then believe by faith He will provide all you need.

May you be blessed this day!

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5 thoughts on “Capacity”

  1. Thank you for you incredible insight and analogy today. You give me hope to face another day in this crazy world. He is our peace and strength! Blessings to you. ❣️

  2. Donna M Rotelli

    Your words completely lift my spirit, reminding me always that we just need to reach out for hope. God is always listening.

  3. Amen, amen and amen! Sometimes just calling on His name is all there is strength for. Thankfully, our Lord knows our needs. God Bless you Julie!

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