Chose Joy
Over the last few months, I have had days when it is hard to find the joy in my circumstances. The ups and downs of my health, my emotions and simply being tired and frustrated, and not feeling well, has really challenged me to find joy in my daily living.
Surgery number 9 is under my belt and hopefully this is the last one for the year. It went well and when I heal, I will be able to begin training to do my dialysis at home. What a blessing that will be and so much better for my body as well. It still amazes me that some scientist discovered that using a dextrose solution and our own body, can be used as dialysis method. Our bodies are amazing creations by God.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4)
It is usually during these “storms” I find myself in need plenty of reminders of the faithfulness of God to help me refocus my eyes on HIs constant presence in my life.
As I struggle to “take captive every thought” (2 Cor 10:5) and refocus my running mind, I know I need to turn to God in prayer. He never ceases to amaze me with the peace and joy He brings me through simple everyday events. The early morning moon on Wednesday as we were driving in to Chicago for surgery was gorgeous, the colorful hues in the sky as the sun came up, and a caring doctor who held my hand before they began my surgery, all signs of God’s love and faithfulness.
Joy as the world defies it can sure be a fleeting feeling. At times, I can be filled with joy and laughter and other times, I can be discouraged and become frustrated with the state of affairs either in my life or around me. My discouragement usually comes with the perception of the chaos around me. At times, I feel as if life swirling in directions that I never anticipated, causing my anxiety to rise and I can lose focus on what is before me.
And then I am reminded to “ponder the loving deeds of the Lord (Ps 107: 43) I have a storehouse of memories of God’s faithfulness to me over the years. And in the moments of perceived chaos around me, I only need to turn to those memories and be reminded that He is there, all of the time.
Over my many years of walking with the Lord, I have found the true source of joy in my daily living has nothing to do with the circumstances around me, but has everything to do with my willingness to look to God, to pray, to see Him at work and allow the Holy Spirit to fill me with joy as I turn my eyes to Jesus and worship Him every day. In His presence there is abundant joy. (Ps 16:11)
Is life dragging you down, are you finding it hard to see the joy each day? I have to ask, do you know my Jesus?
Do you really know Him? When was the last time you took the time to stop and thank Him for today? He has come to offer you forgiveness and peace. To show you a better way to live. His hand is outstretched to you, calling you to Himself, won’t you grab hold and chose to live a new way with Him.
Joy is found in worshipping the One who created you and allowing Him to guide your feet each day. I pray you’ll find peace and joy in Jesus today and He will open your eyes to His presence in your life. I pray your heart is open to Him and you will walk into His arms today and let Him help you see the joy in today.
In love,
It is a miracle that your body can survive all the surgeries you have endured. Only God. So glad you know of His presence even when you don’t feel it. He will never leave you!
This world is so chaotic and lost of joy sometimes, our God is the only peace and when we don’t let His Spirit flow through us we can easily fall prey to it’s grip and loose Hope. Your testimony is an inspiration to holding on to Hope. His Love and Presence really is enough. There is none like Him.
Thank You Jesus! You are our all in all.
God Bless you Julie. I pray He will continue to heal your body and soul.
Looooove this picture! Love your smile and the way it made me smile!
Love you,
Cousin Deb
Thank you Julie for sharing your journey with us. I needed the reminder myself to choose joy. And knowing that I cannot really choose joy without turning to Jesus I need to pour out my heart to Him. I cannot have joy while still holding onto the frustration, doubt, anger or discouragement (‘whatever’ at the moment). So all these things must be given to Him in order to receive the joy He has for me. <3
Thank you for the reminder to lean on him in everything you do. I know how it feels to be discouraged and tired in your circumstances, but I keep telling myself that God is going to use me in this situation for the betterment of his kingdom. Through your writing and your upbeat attitude God is already using you to encourage others going through struggles. I thank God for bringing you and Maurice into our lives. God Bless you.
This touched my heart today. I am in the midst of a struggle to believe and trust in God now. This year has been such a chaotic time in the world and I find it hard to follow a God allowing this. Though I know and believe in Jesus, I am angry at God when things happen. Justice I say. And the answers I receive just aren’t bringing peace. This small note of you finding joy in your circumstances helps me.