Morning is my sacred time with Jesus. I sit outside, coffee in hand with my bible, my journal and a devotional. I spend this time with God sharing what is on my heart, releasing the fears of the day, being encouraged by His Word and simply being quiet in His presence. This daily ritual centers my soul and helps me fix my eyes on the One who is always with me.
As I lift my eyes, a field of yellows, purples and whites, banked by greenery adds a measure of beauty to the field. Swaying in the soft breezes reminding me that God is in the whispers, He is in the quiet of the day and I need this time with Him. My soul is refreshed and strengthened as I am reminded that I am His child, loved unconditionally.
In stark contrast, amidst the colors and living trees, stands a large leafless tree. Branches barren, forlorn, lifeless. Standing among the vibrant greens, no beauty in it’s looks, it stands tall and proud.
These contrasts, within the same view, has me looking deep within myself for the barrenness that is hiding in the living of my life. Bringing to the surface my inner thoughts that have been given too much time in my mind of late. I thought I had grieved the life changes of my cancer, but am discovering I have not quite done so completely. I have been left with a little corner of barrenness in my heart that needs some attending.
I am awed by how God opens our eyes to the places in our souls that need attention. To bring them to the light for His grace and love to shine upon them. As He brings these feelings up to my attention, there is opportunity to heal, to be strengthened and reminded that the Lord is with me through it and in it. He will not leave nor forsake me, but will see me through to become a more powerful witness for the glory of His name.
What area in your soul needs some attending? Feelings of “lack of” will impede our growth and ability to see God each day. Sharing those feeling with Him opens our hearts to replace feelings of barrenness with the truth of who we are in Christ. We are chosen, loved, adopted into the family of God. Knowing who we are and who we belong to will help us to live each day fully surrendered to God and to see Him at work in our lives.
What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are. (1 John 3:1 MSG)
As I open up to Jesus, the more healing I receive. What has been barren is receiving a fresh infusion of life!
Choosing to live a joy filled life isn’t always so easy when circumstances are hard, but the alternative is far less attractive. As the Lord choses to refine me through this current battle, I know He will urge me along, cheer me forward, and catch my tears.
May you experience His love and peace this day,
Sorry I have been so slow in responding to your last post. You seize to amaze me,. You are up beat all the time., I pray God will always give you strength to face each day.. Thinking of you and praying for you.
This is so true Julie! I have areas of barrenness that need the Lord’s attention as well. This perspective is so helpful, thank you!
What a gift you are in Jesus. Thank you for your insights and words of hope. God bless you on your journey!
Beautiful. Still praying for you, my friend! God is so faithful.
God bless you Julie and I know He will always walk beside you and guide you on this journey