God is With Us!

God is With Us!


God is With Us!

The rain reflects my mood this day, somber. The rain is gently coming down outside my window, but the air is calm, there are no ripples on the lake from wind, all appears calm. I don’t really have a name for what my heart is feeling during this time of uncertainty.

The calm of the air and the rain coming from the sky reminds me that God is in control and He is with us. Even in these times of uncertainty, the sun will rise in the morning. He is not surprised by this virus and He understands that we are feeling uncertain and anxious. But there is no need to fear.

I once heard an acronym that sums up the word fear. False Expectations Affecting Reality.  This holds for many of us in these uncertain times and that is why it is so important to stay informed, to get our news from multiple sources and to turn to one another for encouragement and support. We are not alone in this pandemic and this is an opportunity to reach out to one another by other means besides in person contact.

Today I received some disappointing news. My transplant has been postponed. Though I am not surprised, it is still a blow to my already fragile heart. My immune system after transplant will be even more compromised than it is now, and catching the virus could be the worst thing for me, so it is the right decision, for my safety and the safety of my donor.

These are uncertain times, with not enough information to know when this pandemic will subside, but the certainty is I know God is with us. He is in the phone calls and texts from friends offering their support while I am stuck home, confined to my 4 walls, He is in the loving concern of family and friends and He is with the doctors and nurses who have to make some very difficult decisions in these challenging times.

Now is the time to pray for our leaders, for our government, for God to provide them wisdom in the decisions ahead. Time to pray for our nurses, doctors and first responders who are working long hours and putting their lives on the line every day. And please pray for our families, they are being affected financially and emotionally.

Reach out to your neighbor, see how you can help. Call to simply say you are praying for them. And pray for our churches, for now is the time for the church to pull together and be the body to serve our communities. We have an enormous opportunity to show Christ’s love today. 

I pray you all be safe, listen and pray. Ask God how you can help. Together with God we will overcome. God prepared me for this possibility as I have been reading the book of Joshua. 

In Joshua 1, God tells His people to prepare for the journey ahead, that they would need to be strong and courageous for the challenges ahead and they should rely on His Spirit. Specifically He says “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  I am strengthened by this passage, it encourages me to know God is by my side, but not only that He is going before me to prepare the way for what is ahead. I will overcome, I can persevere and so can you.

If I can pray for you and you family, please let me know.

Yours In Christ,

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10 thoughts on “God is With Us!”

  1. Sweet Julie, hang on to Jesus girl!!! We hang on together – and He will catch us in His loving arms when we can no longer hold on. Release all to him, sweet girl. I believe HE has a plan through all of this.

  2. Julie, you for certain are God’s Ambassador! He has His wings wrapped around you and will keep you safe untimely is right for your surgery. Thank you for your comforting words. You inspire me. ❣️ June B

  3. Thank you so much for your wisdom, Julie.’Fos is using your to encourage my heart.’Prayers right now for your new kidney.

  4. Julie, I have been praying for wisdom for all involved in the decisions needing to be made. As disappointing as it is, as you said, trusting in the Lord is the best place to be. I am sure you were prepared mentally, physically and emotionally to have the surgery next week, only to have the waiting extended with (this time) an unknown date for this to take place. I love that your focus however is not on your disappointment but on helping others as well in getting through these confusing and chaotic days ahead. However, If I can encourage you with Isaiah 40:31 “Yet for those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will rung and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.” You, my friend will come out of this with new strength and freedom beyond what you’ve ever known!

  5. Julie, What a beautiful, unselfish inspiration you are! God has you (and all of us) in His Precious hands! Praying for you, for your doctors/team, and for your donor! May God continue to strengthen and protect you as you wait. May His peace that passes understanding flood your heart and thoughts! Thank you once again for putting your beautiful words in your blog! You don’t know how many people you encourage by your words! What a blessing you are! I love you, friend!

  6. Love reading your words, even the sad ones about your surgery postponement…because we KNOW He has a plan for you, to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. So, we pray, because we KNOW He hears us, and He loves us, even in our darkest hours. You bring light to those dark hours and we thank God for the joy you share with your beautiful smile, and that charming shrug of your shoulders!! Love you, my friend.

  7. Sorry to hear the news regarding your transplant Julie. Your faith in God is so strong and will get you through this as well as all of us during these uncertain days. Miss you and think of you often.

  8. Beverly Jacobson

    Julie sad because you’re transplant will need to be moved up but your safety and also your donor has to come first. We re also confined to our home as Gary has a rare form of cancer and cannot get virus, his oncologist calls him on the phone now as he doesn’t want him leaving home. God be with you and give you strength though all of this. Praying this horrible virus starts to lessen the hold it has on the world love you Julie ❤️❤️

  9. Julie – we missed you on our staff video call today. And then when we got the news about the postponement, there were tears shed by all of us. We prayed that your joy-filled spirit would remain buoyant, and after reading your blog, I see your deep sense of joy in God is bigger than your disappointing circumstances. Thanks for the love you show and the example you set!

  10. You always inspire me.

    I was thinking of you today and wondering what they might do. So glad you aren’t going to be subject to anything more than what you will have to endure. You will always be in my prayers. I am so glad to you have such a strong faith, God will be with you.
    Love you,

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