Identity Theft
Last month, exasperation had gotten us worked up. We had an issue with identity theft last month that has us questioning how it happened and wondering if more attempts to steal from us will occur in the future. The challenge is to track down and notify the appropriate agencies in the hopes of shutting down any further attempts to steal our identity. Technology does make life easier, but it can bring challenges when someone tries to take away the very things you are trying to protect.
What are you doing to protect your identity in the financial world? There are steps you can take to help prevent fraud and identity theft. A simple google search will bring up a list that will guide you along the way.
But what about your spiritual identity? Are you guarding it and are you nurturing it?
I find in today’s culture, it is easy to forget who we are in Christ. We are bombarded with ads depicting beautiful fit bodies, Facebook shows us how great everyone else’s life is, the consumerism of our society can fill us with desires that can’t be fulfilled on our budget, and bullying has taken on a whole new level with Twitter.
To protect our identity in the financial world, we can lock our credit reports, monitor our bank accounts and create secure passwords for our online accounts.
To protect our spiritual identity, we have to know who we are in Christ. The only way to know who we are in Christ is through reading God’s Word. In His Word we find details of who God is and who we are in Him.
We are children of God, adopted into His family(Jn 1:12; Eph 1:5). We are redeemed and forgiven(Col 1:14). We are complete in Him(Col 2:10). We are anointed, established, and sealed by God(2 For 1:21-22). We are salt and light(Mt 5:13-14). We are chosen(Jn 15:16). We are God’s workmanship(Eph 2:10). We are fearfully and wonderfully made(Ps 139:14) We are so much more than word’s can explain. Each hair on our heads counted, each tear gathered, every thought known to God.
Fiercely protect your identity in Christ each day. Through prayer and reflection, ask God to open your eyes to what activities are stealing your joy and your identity in Him, and then make some changes. Step out in faith, open your bible and read a little everyday asking the Lord to show you both who He is and who you are in Him. In this there will be joy.
Your sister in Christ,
You seem to always find something good about a bad situation. Hope things are better by now. Hope your feeling better, will keep you in my prayers. Love to you. Jan
Sorry you have had to deal with identity theft. That had to be frustrating. Thanks for your analogy with our spiritual life. That is so key to our eternal life. We must put our focus on Christ not this messed up world. Blessings!
Sorry to hear that your identity was compromised and I think you are spot on regarding our spiritual identity.
I love how you took a bad situation and turned it into good for others—you turned your test into a testimony! Identity theft vs who we are in Christ! Thank you! Blessed by you!
So sorry about your identity theft it also happened to a close relative and has been very difficult for them. Hope you can get it resolved soon. So hope your feeling better every day you are a special child of God. Love you Bev