Infused by God

Infused by God


Infused by God

Birds singing, trees budding, tulips brightly colored have begun to dot yards throughout the neighborhood. All the rain nourishing the ground, allowing for life to take hold again and flourish. Our thoughts turn to new beginnings, fresh starts and there is often a spring in our steps as we anticipate the warmer weather, the longer days and the opportunities to get back outside, reconnect with neighbors and friends and enjoy the weather. Sure signs spring has arrived.

This freshness in the air, and a myriad of smells remind of new growth and restoration. It’s as if God has turned up the sensory meter and through nature is showing us levels of beauty designed to remind of His constant presence all around.

God provides vital nutrients to our earth through the rain, snow, sun, oxygen and the winds.  Decomposition in the winter months provides for enriching the soil so nutrients are available for the vegetation to bloom and flourish, to grow and be healthy. and to hopefully reach their full potential. Just as an umbilical cord provides nutrients to an infant, God in a variety of ways provides nutrients for the earth.

The umbilical cord is the lifeline between mother and the unborn child.  Without it the infant doesn’t get the appropriate nutrients to develop into a healthy and vibrant infant.  Interestingly, umbilical cords have 3 vessels to provide the appropriate strength to prevent crimping at delivery through the birth canal. A perfect provision from God.

A cord of three strands, spoken of in Ecclesiastes 4:12 is also God’s provision for us to help us when we are under extreme pressures.  A faithful friend and God, providing the necessary strength to endure when life is challenging.

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

Being connected to God on a daily basis gives us a vital infusion of nutrients for life.

In a sense our relationship with God is like that of an umbilical cord.  The vessels in the cord infuse nutrients moment by moment to an unborn child, helping he or she to grow and develop.  We need to be infused moment by moment with the love of God to grow and flourish in our lives each day.  But to receive this infusion, we have a part to play in staying connected to the Father.

God the Father, our loving heavenly parent, has created each of us with a desire to know where we came from.  Just as at birth when a mother and baby connect for the first time, God connected with us even before we were born.  He knew us in the womb, everything about us.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalm 139:13) 

Created for relationship, for worship and to connect daily with Him so He can strengthen us for each day.

Do you see God as your loving parent?  

For some, this is hard to do because your earthly parents may not have expressed love, or have been abusive toward you. It can be hard to separate the image of God as a loving Father from the way you were raised or the church background you may have been raised in.  I’m praying you’ll take some time to get to know the God who created you out of love, talk to a trusted friend, a spiritual counselor, or a pastor to help you learn about the love of God.  Read the Bible and investigate for yourself.

As God the Father, He is good, patient, kind, wise, loving, gentle, merciful, He is the embodiment of the Fruit of the Spirit.  He declares His love for us in the beginning when He created man and said it is very good indeed.  (Genesis 1:31)

As we draw near to God, He will draw near to us and reveal Himself to us.  But for us to recognize Him each day, we need to take some time to get to know who God is by reading our Bibles.  We also must pause, learning to reach out and connect through prayer and reflection. Like any relationship, we need to invest the time to develop and grow the relationship, getting to know Him in a personal way.

For me, I need to start my day with my journal, my bible and a devotional.  I take time most every morning for at least 20 minutes to connect with God, talk about my day ahead, to share what may be on my heart from events of the day before, and then I take a moment to pray and then listen in case God has something to share with me.  Some days it’s a nugget of truth, a scripture is called to mind, and some times, I’m too scattered to really hear anything.  But this practice has kept me connected to the God who loves me, it keeps me focused on what is important through out the day, and it infuses with peace and joy no matter my circumstances.

Do you need a daily sense of peace and joy?

Come, learn about the Father, experience a fresh infusion in your life of His love and watch as He transforms you by providing you with the vital nutrients you need to flourish and grow.

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will to return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
(Isaiah 55:10-11)

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2 thoughts on “Infused by God”

  1. Janice Metzger

    Again you leave me with so much to think about . We need to take time to listen and apply it all to our daily needs. God is so loving we will always need him . Hope you are doing well and have a Happy Mothers Day..

    1. Thanks for the inspiring words. I have always loved the number 33 and so the Psalm 149-13. Very interesting analogy with the umbilical cord. Thanks for the new thoughts to ponder. Blessings and love. Lynn

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