Peace in the Struggles
Good Morning and Happy Friday!!
Another week has come to a close and I thought it was about time I did a little update on both my health and what God has been teaching me through it all.
My health has been a challenge over the last month. I have been dealing with fluid around my lungs that has needed to be drained twice. The fluid has caused my breathing to be labored to the point where I can’t even get up the stairs. This of course has set me back in healing and moving to home dialysis. It’s been hard to be patient as I wait for test results to come back, wait to have further tests, and to simply just rest and allow my body to heal. I am still not breathing deeply as my lungs are struggling to expand and get back up to capacity. But hopefully over time, they will return to their happy and healthy selves.
I’ll be the first to admit it has been hard to find peace each day and every day. I’ve been fretting, I’ve been angry, I’ve cried and finally there was nothing left to do but release it all into God’s capable hands. Though this was all unforeseen by us, it is not a surprise to God. In his word, He reminded me:
“This light and momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” (2 Corinthians 4:17) and though “we are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, but not driven to despair…never abandoned by God” (2 Corinthians 4:8,9b)
He is here, He is walking through the struggles with us, He is preparing the way for when I will be healthy enough to begin home dialysis. As the season turns to fall, so the season is turning for us. I pray we will move from this season of challenges to a better season ahead.
God continues to remind me of His presence, His power, His strength, and He reminds me that I have the unlimited power and strength of the Holy Spirit within. As I further release my disappointments to Him, I can find peace. But it is often a daily process for me. When things are out of our control, we can feel lost, scared, and even small. But Jesus, treasures us, He loves us with an unfailing love and will fill us with peace in a way that is miraculous.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
I have found this to be true in my life. As I open up my heart and mind to Christ, offering up my daily fears, frustrations and even anger, He soothes my soul. He opens my eyes to see Him at work around me and at times, I get an impression of what He is trying to help me see.
In this current struggle, I got a clear impression from Jesus. It started out as a word-BRICK-from there I prayed to Jesus for clarity. My impression: Brick by brick, step by step, I, Jesus, will rebuild your faith with a firmer foundation than you had before. I, Jesus, am the cornerstone, the firm foundation.
My early morning impression which I believe it to be true. As Jesus clears away all the things that have gotten in the way of my faith growing, I am left with Him alone as my rock and foundation. (I love how Jesus uses things that help me see better, I immediately thought of Lego bricks and how if you follow directions you get a pretty cool structure, if you try your own construction to achieve the same structure, not always the best result) But lego structures are simply plastic, easily shattered upon dropping. With Jesus as my base, nothing can stand in my way. (Yes my brain works weird sometimes, but hey, that’s how He created me)
Is your foundation strong? Is Jesus your cornerstone? It is so easy for us, me included, to be dragged down by anxiety and our own “plans” that we lose sight of both Jesus and the peace He provides. True peace often doesn’t come until we relinquish our plans and desires before the throne, being still in His presence and allowing His love to wash over us.
Yours in Christ,
I so look forward to each and every one of your blogs. I am so sorry for all that you are experiencing with your health, but I am so grateful for all the ways you have touched my life and the lives of others who have had the chance to know you. You are a blessing to all! I miss you and continue to pray for you. Much love and warm embracing hugs…….
I think of you every day and I to am so sorry to hear of your struggles every day. God is our Cornerstone and with out him we aren’t much. So you have your faith, don’t ever let that go. It has been said God doesn’t give us any more than we can handle,’ Yet you likely wonder about that. My thoughts and prayers are with you each day.
Good to hear from you. I’m so sorry that you are going through these struggles. But you are a wise woman who is listening and learning the deep comforting lessons that God has for us. God really comes close during the hard times. You are in my thoughts and prayers often especially Tuesday mornings. Wish you could be there. Yet here you are still teaching important truths about God. May He continue to be close to you and bless you .
Thanks for the update. Praying for you.
Tears are flowing because I’m sure your words/experiences are true. Suffering yields the sweetest of fruit ❤️❤️
Julie, you are in my prayers often these days and I thank God for each day he gives us everything we need. I appreciate your honesty and transparency about the struggles you are going through. God cares for those who put their hope and trust in Him and what he has already done for us. You are a living example. He gives you the strength to endure each and every difficulty during this healing process. I ask God to continue His work in your life and that of believers everywhere. May His peace abide in each one of us.
Julie, you’ve been in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this current jog in the road to recovery is passed shortly.
Julie my prayers are with you everyday without fail like so many people that love you. I feel so bad about the difficult time you are going through. God will find the way though all the struggles and thank you so much for keeping us informed of your health, we look so forward to hearing from you. Love & prayers, Bev & Gary
Oh Julie, I hear your outcry’s. I pray our Lord continues to give you comfort and peace. In Him is all we need! God Bless. Prayers coming your way!