Strong Foundations

Strong Foundations

Stong Foundations

Strong Foundations

15 tons of gravel have been brought in by bobcat, scoop by scoop, carefully laid, 2” at a time to create a secure foundation for an 18” retaining wall. Added is a large spool of geo grid to help secure the wall being built. This wall supports the patio which will be laid on top, one brick at a time, creating a lasting structure to bring enjoyment for our family. This foundation is necessary for the structure to avoid any shifting and for it to withstand the seasonal changes and freeze thaw cycles in the midwest. 

Foundations take time to build. They are not done in a day and often can take longer than we’d like. The weather plays a factor and can slow down the process or a lack of materials can bring about a pause in construction. Unforeseen circumstances can put a project on hold and experience also factors in to the time needed to complete the project.

In much the same way, building a strong foundation of faith takes time. We don’t have it all figured out when we decide to follow Jesus. I didn’t have any idea what it meant to walk with Jesus. I needed to learn how to read my bible, what exactly was prayer and what did it mean to have a relationship with Jesus. Yet over time, through a community of people who took me under their wing, I gradually gained an understanding of what it meant to leave my “old life” behind and live a new life in Christ. 

When I first began following Jesus, I joined a bible study. This is where I learned how to read and study my bible. By listening to others share what they were learning, I learned from them as well, building a foundation for my faith through community. Through time together with others who followed Jesus, I learned much more than I would have alone. 

I also learned how to pray. I thought prayer was about serious topics and confession, and it can be, but I also learned prayer is simply a conversation with God. It was more about authentically sharing what was on my heart, from the mundane to the serious, and about learning to be still in His presence so I would be able to listen for His whispers to my soul.

These initial “bricks” began to lay a foundation for my faith where Jesus opened my heart and mind to learn from Him and to see His activity around me. I began to see “coincidences” as His movement in my life and I began to desire to know more about Jesus. I looked forward to Sundays when I could go to church, worship Jesus with others, and hear God’s word taught. Each “brick” adding a layer of strength to the foundation of my faith. 

As Jesus continued to help me build on my foundation of faith, I began seeking Him to help me make decisions and I began to see changes in my desires for my life. Instead of wanting more possessions, I desired deeper relationships, I was more joyful and less frustrated. And when life didn’t go as planned, I began to turn towards Jesus in prayer, relying on Him through the challenges.

What “bricks” have you been laying to help strengthen your spiritual foundation?

Over the last year, it has been difficult for many of us to gather in community to learn about Jesus and to learn from one another. For some of you, you may have noticed your foundation of faith now needs strengthening, for others, you’ve been grateful for the strong foundation you’d already established with Jesus. 

As we move into Spring, now is a great time to evaluate our foundation. 
What is your comfort level in re-engaging in community? 
Who could you support in their spiritual growth? 
Or, is there someone you could ask to help you grow spiritually? 

Remember, building a strong foundation of faith takes time and persistence. I am cheering you on as you seek to grow one “brick” at a time. May Jesus fill you with the desire to engage in foundation building exercises to grow your faith and draw you closer to Him. 

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2 thoughts on “Strong Foundations”

  1. Thank you Julie for your words of love and encouragement in Jesus. He is our Hope and healing and strength.

  2. Excellent words of encouragement to those who want to be on the “fast track” to God…there is none! Just as our bodies and minds take a long time to mature (my body seems to go faster than my mind!!) it takes time to build that foundation. Thanks Julie…love your wisdom!

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