Supportive Wings
The ice shimmers in the morning dawn, dark and light blend together like a freshly found diamond. Supported by the ice, birds gather and wait. In the silence, the sound of tiny crystal wind chimes fills the air, their sound puzzling in the stillness of the morning. My eyes search for the source of the sound. Looking out, I cannot see any movement, but the sounds continue. Finding a focal point of reference, I discover the ice shifting and moving as it melts. Moving closer I watch with wonder as the ice compresses, crackling and chiming. Creation at work, changing with the conditions.
Combine the temperature swings in December, with the shifting ice, creates the perfect fishing conditions for the Eagles. The movement of the ice creates open pockets of water for fishing and the ice becomes a landing pad for savoring their catch. Over the last few days, we’ve watched these soaring majestic birds as their keen eyesight searches for fish. SUPPORTED BY the upper currents of the wind, they barely move their wings as they circle, swooping closer and closer to the water, following the movement of the fish beneath the surface. It’s a wonderous sigh, watching as they patiently circle and then swoop in, grabbing the fish with their talons.
Isaiah says:
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
(Isaiah 40:31 NLT)
Where do you need SUPPORT as you prepare for Christmas?
God’s reminding me to continually turn toward Jesus when I find my emotions driving my behaviors. During Christmas, in my rush to complete my preparations, I put blinders on. I go full speed ahead as I “must” get everything done on my list today. I can’t leave anything for tomorrow, as I will have a new list for tomorrow.
Friends, when our behavior becomes driven by “plans and lists”, we lose sight of Jesus and His call on our life. The call to love Him and others well. People matter, not the list. Jesus matters, not the list. The world loves lists because the evil one knows lists and self-made plans drive us away from being in tune with God and His purpose for our life.
During this season of the celebration of Jesus’ birth, God extends His hand towards us, offering His SUPPORT on our journey of faith. He invites us to walk at His pace each day, to become more aware of Him. As we trust Him, He SUPPORTS us as we prepare our hearts for Christmas. Drawing nearer to Him, our hearts become more finely tuned to express the love of Christ.
Christmas becomes less about the visible preparations, but about our heart preparation to receive the gift He offers. Unconditional love and SUPPORT on this journey of faith and spiritual growth. He becomes the wind beneath the wings He’s given us so we can become the person He created us to be. We are a son/ daughter of the King, bearing His image, created to be a light in this world.
Jesus, today I pray, not just for myself, but for each of your children. May we grab you hand and allow you to guide our day. Help us turn to you for SUPPORT so we may come to know you better. For those who are suffering and struggling this holiday, I pray as you lift them into your arms, may they experience your love and comfort. Bring them reminders of your presence in their life and show them, in a way they can see, the SUPPORT you provide. You are trustworthy and strong Lord Jesus. Thank you for being our Savior and King.
Julie I loved the picture you painted today in your words of the Eagle soaring overhead and how Jesus is the wind beneath our own wings as we do life! Beautiful!
Brenda, thank you. Eagles bring many reminders to me of God’s faithful support in life.