Anchored to Jesus
I don’t know about you, but I am finding the current time of social distancing and the ever changing status of the pandemic a little disconcerting. Some days it plays with my mental health and other days it doesn’t bother me at all and I am content at home in my little bubble. I see family and a limited number of friends, but mostly I’m at home enjoying my view of the lake and taking some time for myself.
I’ve been using this time to dive a little deeper into scripture and to take an online writing course to help move my writing along and hopefully make some improvements. I am seeing this time as an opportunity to explore new things, listen to some new podcasts and to catch up on some fiction reading. Some days that’s enough and it keeps me occupied, but other days I end of focusing on what I can’t do in this moment of time.
For many, this pandemic has caused a lot of anxiety. There’s the everyday stresses of children at home and how to occupy them, the issue of is it safe to be around family and friends, is it safe to grocery shop, take a trip, go back to school or go to church.
For others, you might be enjoying this season because there are less commitments, you are allowed to work from home, you enjoy being at home and don’t have to interact with people as frequently. This pandemic may be perfect for you, especially if you are an introvert.
Or maybe you are somewhere in between the two, you’re anxious about some things, but enjoying other areas of your life more than you have in the past.
God has wired us all individually, with differing personality traits, different tendencies and reactions to stressors. (Psalm 139:13-14, NLT) Some of us thrive in environments that are constantly changing, others tend to hide and shut themselves in to avoid dealing with the changes occurring around them. I think we are all dealing with the pandemic in different ways, some thriving, others struggling, or we land in the middle. I think I am somewhere in the middle. How about you, where are you today?
Because of the ever changing world around us at this moment in time, I find I need God more than ever. I need to lean into His words and wisdom to get through my days.
I have also found when I am securely anchored in God’s truth, I am thriving, but when I don’t take the time to read His word or to pray, I tend to feel anxious and out of sorts.
When we were out boating a couple of weekends ago, we decided to anchor in a bay and dip our feet in the water. However, our anchor did not securely grab the bottom and we ended up drifting. We were simply using a rope, but the line needed a chain to securely allow for the anchor to drop and grab hold of the bottom and prevent us from dangerously drifting on the water. Our faith can have the same consequences if it is not secure.
When my faith is a surface faith, the rope that holds me to Jesus just doesn’t cut it in the ever changing day to day living. It’s missing the secure links of chain which will firmly anchor me to Jesus and help me withstand the shifting world around me. I want my connection to Jesus to be secure because this world is constantly shifting. I need to be connected to Jesus to remain at peace each and everyday. Without me being securely connected to Him, I feel adrift, lost and filled with anxiety.
How securely are you anchored to Jesus? Are you floating dangerously about with each news report and announcement of Covid cases? What spiritual practices are you using to stay anchored to Jesus on a daily basis?
Taking the time each day to tighten and secure ourselves to our unchanging God will help us to withstand the ever changing situations in life around us. He is the one constant we can count on. And I’ve found by spending time with Him, my mood is calmer, my heart more open and I actually have a little more patience.
Jesus is our refuge in the storms of life, but we have to do our part. We need to actively seek Him and anchor ourselves to Him daily to withstand the ever shifting realities of life here on earth. By anchoring ourselves to Him each day, it will becomes easier to rejoice and be happy in the day, to have a more positive outlook and to truly find joy.
I do want to caution, if you are suffering with debilitating anxiety, if you are fearful to leave your house or get out of bed in the morning, please tell someone. Seek the help of a counselor or speak to your pastor. God does not intend for you to suffer through this alone, filled with dread, He desires for you to seek help to give you the tools to cope and move forward with your life.
As you go about your day, I pray you will take some time to anchor yourself to our unchanging God. Share your struggles with Him today and with a trusted friend who can support and encourage you. As we all come together, we will endure, grow in our faith and come out on the other side renewed by God. He will enable us to live a more purposeful and loving life, to Him be the glory!
What a great reminder to anchor ourselves to the only immovable Rock…..
Thanks Julie for your insight into all that is going on. Your writing is an encouragement to me and a reminder that our unchanging God is with us through each minute of these tough times.
Hi Julie. Your words are so calming. I am somewhere in the ‘middle” with all that is going on. Some days I am great other days I tend to think too much about what is going on around me. Thank you for reminding me to lean on Jesus. I had a similar conversation with my son this morning and he too reminded me who is important with everything that is going on in this world.
I appreciate your blog…