Changing Seasons
Wrapped in a hoodie, my hands tucked in the sleeves, I am surprised by fall this year. The cooler air, the muted greens and yellows of the leaves and the morning wind, all reminders the season is changing. I’ve enjoyed the summer on the lake. Waterskiing, sunset cruises, and gatherings with family and friends. Each a seed planted in my soul which burst forth into life giving laughter and joy.
When the season changes to fall and then winter, my mood usually flounders. Shorter days and lack of sunshine cause my motivated self to prefer being wrapped in a blanket, mourning the previous season. If I’m not mindful, I can stay stuck in the past.
A wise friend has a beautiful practice of celebrating and honoring the beginning and ending of the seasons. She looks back on what was and then looks ahead to what could be. This practice helps her navigate the emotions of the changing season as she sets a new rhythm for life.
Life is full of transitions. Some are filled with anticipation but others bring sadness and uncertainty. Allowing ourselves to pause and experience those emotions are a necessary part of the journey in caring for our souls. Looking back to honor what was, before jumping into the new season, helps with the transition.
What transition, large or small, are you struggling with right now?
Through every transition, God is with us. He provides strength and encouragement along the way. Often it seems easier to stay in place rather than move ahead in the direction He’s leading. Like the Israelites who looked back at their captivity in Egypt as easier, we too can look back and think life is better where we are today. It is difficult to turn to God and trust Him when life is in transition, but He is trustworthy to see us through each one.
We all find it hard to leave the comfort of the known behind and be faced with new circumstances and challenges. Personally, I’d rather stick with the familiar, it’s easy, comforting and I like routine. But, one thing I’ve learned over the years, when I rely on the comfortable, I trust in myself instead of trusting in Jesus.
Friends, our faith grows in the transitions of life.
Don’t neglect pausing to honor and celebrate the season you’re leaving behind. Reflect on God’s faithfulness and trust Him to give you strength for what is ahead. This practice helps prepare our hearts for the changes we will experience.
To celebrate the end of summer, my husband and I took one last boat ride. We took time to reminisce on the joys of summer. Gatherings with our children and grandchildren, friendships that continued to grow and flourish, and our early weekend morning boat rides. We both have cherished our uninterrupted moments to talk, laugh and relax together on the water.
We will miss boating, but we look forward to what God has in store for fall.
I am praying Jesus will help me settle into a new rhythm of life with Him each day and I look forward to the adventure ahead. I pray you’ll take time to reminisce over this past season and turn to Jesus with confidence He will strengthen you for the next season of life.
Hi Julie,
This ministered to me! I am in a transitional time of leaving an online job I’ve had for years to homeschooling my special needs son and delving back into writing and starting a blog. This is the first time I have not had a money-making job, and it’s scarey! I like the idea of looking back at the last season and seeing what the Lord has done, but then charting a course for what’s ahead. That resonated with me! Thank you for sharing!
Mary, Praying God’s blessing over the changes ahead for you. He will equip and guide you through the changes. May His words flow through you as you begin writing again.
This is a beautiful reminder Julie, that God is always working in us and gives us many seasonal changes. We just need to trust in Him as He leads us. Thank you for your beautiful words & prospective!
Dawn, I am grateful He is always at work in us and He is trustworthy to lead us through the changes.