Fixing my Eyes on My Savior
I love to go for walks. Everyday I relish the early morning hours to go outside to walk, pray, and listen to God. Lately I’ve caught myself looking down at the pavement instead of looking up where I am going. As I am looking down, my mind begins to wander to my circumstances instead of my all-sufficient Savior. When I finally look up, my focus changes to the beauty before me and my all sufficient Savior who provides all I need each day.
Where are your eyes focused today? Are you like me, looking at only what is directly in front of you, and missing out on the blessings and beauty God has for you today.
Friday I experienced a deep disappointment. I was back for another medical test and was hoping that this particular test would show we could “treat” my cancer in a way to spark my immune system to try to fight it off by itself and hopefully put off removal of my kidney to a later date. This was one test I really didn’t want to fail, however that’s exactly what happened. My bladder wasn’t able to do what it needed to do and reflux the solution up into my kidney. As I was laying there having the test, I could watch what was happening on the screen and knew pretty quickly this was not going to happen. I have to admit, I felt a sense of defeat and the tears began to flow. But something amazing happened as I took my eyes off the screen, I felt God saying to me, this is not the right treatment for you. I truly felt His love and protection over me. As this door closed, I knew I had to consciously choose to fix my eyes on God and trust the “fail” was for my protection.
So often we get fixated on our stuff, that we miss opportunities to soak in the wonder of God Himself. We also miss the opportunities He places before us to encourage and love upon others. Discouragement is a part of this life and I know from experience, life never seems to turn out the way we’d always like. Each door closed presents an opportunity to walk through a new door, in faith, to experience the wonder of something better that God has for us.
For me, a friend put it well, as we’re traveling along this medical journey, each door that has been closed is God guiding us towards the decision that is right for us. Some days it seems like a slow process and other days it’s simply frustrating with no clear path in sight, however, lifting my eyes to the Lord, helps me to remember He knows the bigger picture. It’s a conscious physical act I find myself needing to repeat some days, to physically life my eyes to the heavens to remind myself of His love and protection.
As I was waiting to see the doctor to discuss next steps, this verse was in my email:
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
The perfect encouragement at just the right time. He is faithful to provide all we need each day.
Though we all get discouraged, our Savior’s strength is in us through the Holy Spirit. Whatever you are facing today, lift your eyes to the heavens and cry out to Him who is perfectly able to help you through your day. Be amazed by His love and be awed by who He is and remember, He goes before you, walks alongside you, and is in you through the Holy Spirit.
Take a moment to listen to the new song “Wonder” by Hillsong United and be encouraged.
With Love,
So sorry to hear this. I was hoping for this path, too. But good for you! You have found the way to the peace that has no understanding which is to turn to the Lord and give the burden to Him. Glad you are getting out walking and enjoying the beauty of summer. Praying for you.
Thank you. Your willingness to share in the depths of your suffering brings help as I face my own. Trusting God to lead me through is a lesson learned in my past experience but when facing struggle a reminder is si valuable. May you feel His comfort & peace ❤️
As always God speaks through you to me and so many. Thank you for your heart in Him. Sorry your path didn’t work out but I pray you keep following His path.
Blessings. ❤️