Generational Legacies
Two years ago, two lives were changed. Two lives forever connected and impacted by the Lord’s faithfulness. A gift was sacrificially given. A personal and family sacrifice so a fuller life could be lived. Multiple families have been impacted as stories of the Lord’s faithfulness are shared. Legacies being built one story at a time.
June 16 was the 2-year anniversary of my kidney transplant. My life changed that day. But the journey to transplant is where the story begins. The journey is where I encountered God in the ordinary.
My journey had physical and emotional ups and downs. Days where I was too physically exhausted to do much more than binge watch a show. Other days I didn’t have the emotional band width to hold a conversation. The waiting for a kidney donor seemed endless. And for a period of time, I felt as if God was so very silent.
One morning I was too tired to read my bible and no longer knew what to pray. My daily practice of spending time with Jesus wasn’t working. I couldn’t focus and I was frustrated God felt silent.
Has God ever felt silent to you?
I remember the day clearly. My shrugged shoulders, my foggy mind and my racing thoughts. It was all too much. Instead, I choose to lay down and sleep. It was the best thing I could have done. My body surrendered to the rest it needed.
When I awoke, my body was relaxed, my mind clear and I had an overwhelming sense of peace. It was a holy moment. God had refreshed my soul in the stillness of my sleep. I felt Him saying:
That day God opened a corner of my heart that had been closed off. I began to recall His past faithfulness in my life. Through health battles, family changes, moves, raising children, developing friendships, the list could go on. He had been faithful.
God’s past faithfulness is an encouragement for our future struggles and a legacy for future generations.
I also began to encounter His presence in the ordinary places of my life. Life around me took on a new brilliance. The sunsets began bursting with bright new colors, the waves on the lake reminding me of God’s power and I saw Him creativity in the smallest details. I began to see Him in my husband’s smile, the hug of a friend, and I especially began to see Him through the eyes of my grandchildren as they discovered the world around them.
Today I share with you Jesus’ faithfulness not because He answered my prayer for a kidney donor, but because He walks beside us every day. No matter what we are going through He is faithful. He is faithful in the waiting, in life’s challenges, when we can’t “feel His presence,” when we’re mad at Him, when we don’t feel like praying, when we skip reading our bibles—He is faithful. He is faithful and present whether we recognize Him or not.
June 16, 2020, will always be a special day for me. A day my donor and I treasure. Kristina and I have experienced His faithfulness in our lives. We’ve both been transformed by the journey to transplant. We know and trust He will continue to see us through anything else that comes our way.
Our faith and love for Jesus has grown. We have a new appreciation for the life He’s gifted us. And our story is a legacy of His faithfulness that has impacted our family and friends. We are truly blessed to be daughters of the Lord and sisters in Christ.
Be encouraged my friends, if God feels silent to you, know He is with you and you are with Him. Look up and around you, He is present. And as you experience Him in your life, share with others. Your story of His faithfulness is a legacy meant to be shared. Your story encourages us all!
“Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done wonderful things,
things planned long ago”
Isaiah 25:1
To read more stories of God’s faithfulness as I waited for the gift of a kidney donor CLICK HERE.
Thank you for sharing your life with me through this blog. I pray for you every week. I have since you needed to leave our BSF group a few years back when your cancer returned. I appreciate reading your blog.
These verses came up in my daily reading today and for some reason I think I need to send them to you.
Kathy L
Matthew 11: 28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Kathy, Thank you for continuing to lift me in prayer. BSF has been such a blessing in my life over the years and a wonderful source of fellowship. I am doing excellent health wise. It is a blessing to live with a new kidney. This verse is a great reminder to me as over the last 5 years God has been teaching me what it looks like to live with Him in His unforced rhythms of life. When I follow His lead, my life is more peaceful and joy filled.
Thanks Julie! This was just what I needed today as I continue on my own journey!
Brenda, You have been on a journey. God’s faithfulness in your life is a testimony to His goodness and a legacy for your family.
God IS faithful! Continue to be so thankful for the selfless gift that Kristina gave you! Thank you for sharing this. Wow…2 years – what a blessing that you continue to do well. You are an inspiration, my friend!
Debbie, it is hard to believe it’s been 2 years. The time has gone quickly. God continues to amaze me!
Thank you for this! I love your description of His faithfulness! So true! June 16th is a day to be celebrated with thanksgiving!!!
Yes it is!! A blessing that will continue to impact my life for years to come!