Holy Week
This week I’ve found myself forgetting it’s Holy Week. I’m not entirely sure why my focus is elsewhere. It could be because the weather is less than spring like or I am heart broken by what’s going on in the world around me. I can list a myriad of other reasons for my distraction, all choices I’ve made to shift my gaze elsewhere. But whatever the reason, God has been gently reminding me to return my gaze to Him.
Holy Week is an opportunity to fix our gaze on Jesus. A time for rediscovering who He is and reminding ourselves of His sacrifice for us. His precious gift. His life for ours. His payment for our sins.
This week in history Jesus endured suffering out of a deep love for us. LOVE supreme. A precious gift. He sacrificed His life even before we agreed to follow Him.
How are you fixing your gaze on Jesus during Holy Week?
God provides us ample opportunity to fix our gaze on Him every day.
To Fix your gaze on Jesus:
- Read the gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. This is one excellent way to remind ourselves of who Jesus is and the sacrifice He made for us on the cross.
- Attend a worship service on Maundy Thursday or Good Friday. Gathering in community with fellow believers for worship uplifts, encourages and helps us remember we are not alone as we follow Jesus.
- Attend a Passover Seder in your community. Learn how the Seder points to Jesus and share in a faith experience that might be outside of what you’re accustomed to.
- Journal the ways you’ve seen Jesus bless you over the first quarter of the year. Create a blessing jar for the remainder of the year.
- Silence all notifications on your computer and phone. Put them in a different room. Try sitting in the presence of Jesus and devote some time in prayer.
- Talk a walk and pay attention to the details around you. What in creation reminds you of God? Notice the leaves budding on the trees…what color are they? Thank God for all you see around you.
- Is there something God has placed on your heart that you haven’t followed through on? Take time and express your love by obediently following through.
- Write Jesus a letter thanking Him for what He’s done for you. Tuck the letter in your bible to read later in the year.
During Holy Week I’ve been drawn to Hebrew’s. I am reading the scriptures this week with the sole purpose of looking at Jesus. The first chapter alone gives substantial details about God and Jesus. The word’s I read were a balm to my soul as I seek to fix my gaze on Him.
Often, we read Scripture with the thoughts of what is the passage saying to me. How does it apply to me? When we chose to read from the perspective of fixing our gaze on Jesus, we read looking for Jesus first. As we do, we take our eyes off ourselves, our hearts soften, and we encounter Jesus more each day.
I hope you’ll take some time over the next couple of days to fix your gaze on Jesus. When you do, you’ll begin to encounter Him more each day.
Interested in how I found Jesus in Hebrews 1? Click Here.