



Have you ever thought of each day as an opportunity to show kindness to the people you encounter? Divine appointments to share a smile, to hold a door, to treat a stranger to a cup of coffee, or to simply start a conversation while waiting in line. A simple gesture can change the course of someone’s day. Your kindness could brighten the day for someone who is struggling with unruly children, with depression, or coping with ailing parents. Taking the time to look around you and observe the people in your surroundings could be that moment in time where God uses you to brighten the day of someone in need.

Opportunities to show loving kindness often pass us by simply for the fact that we live in a society the prides itself with accomplishing “tasks.” This has been true for me on many occasions where I let the “task” overtake the importance of relationships. Often, I want to get that one more thing accomplished so I can move on to the next item on my agenda and I do not give the people around me my full attention. How often do you find yourself asking someone, How is your day? and we don’t really listen to the answer. Most of us when asked that question tend to respond with the “things” we’ve accomplished. Rarely do we respond with the relationships we took the time to nurture or the acts of service we’ve done for others.

What is kindness and how do we act with loving kindness in such a way as to point people to Jesus? This is something I’ve been thinking about over the last few days, trying to wrap my mind around what that looks like in my life. I believe opportunities are missed each day to share the love of Christ with both those I love and with those I encounter each day.

Jesus’ sacrificial loving kindness was lived out each day as He spent time with his disciples, his followers and the masses he taught. He has taught us to:
“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Jesus showed kindness to the least in society, taking time to draw them out in conversation. He truly saw who they were and what they needed, not platitudes, but a Savior. Many needed physical healing, but Jesus knew what they really needed was spiritual healing and wholeness. To know they were seen by the Father and know that the Father was there to walk through life with them,  sacrificial love and kindness.

“Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3)

I challenge you to take a moment today to do an act of kindness for someone else. Ask God to help you bless someone in need in your circle of influence and change the course of someones day.


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4 thoughts on “Kindness”

  1. Beautiful story of love. His greatest command is to love Him and love one another. Thanks for such a great reminder of His teaching. God bless you Julie.

  2. Thank you again for your words of inspiration, you always say so much for one to think about. Hope and pray you are doing ok and your getting better. Thinking of you



  3. What an awesome reminder! The world would be such a better place if everyone did these acts of kindness! One act of kindness could change the day for the person…or better yet…change eternity for someone! May we have “listening ears” and take advantage of opportunities placed before us! Thank you for another beautiful reminder for us all!

  4. As I was about to review my lists of tasks for today, this popped up in my email.Your words gave my heart a different direction to follow, and although those tasks might/will/should be accomplished, that won’t be my main goal for today. Thank you. You are loved.

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