My Chosen Beloved

My Chosen Beloved

Blog Post Images 2022-6

My Chosen Beloved

The music changes. Heads turn as we stand to welcome her into the room. Adorned in white her beauty brings forth fresh tears to the eyes of her beloved. With dewy eyes, she glances down the aisle at her chosen. Their eyes see only one another as she’s ushered down the aisle. The excitement swells as their faces beam with love. Today begins a new day for them as they learn a new rhythm of life together.

As I watched the uniting of two lives, I began to imagine the Lord waiting for us. His hand extended, asking us to be His beloved. I can see love and longing in His eyes. But, He isn’t simply waiting for us but moving forward to meet us right where we’re at today.
We are His beloved.
He chooses us.
He is asking us to choose Him.
Choosing Jesus. Two words that sound simple. It is easy to speak the words “I choose Him,” but to live it out takes learning a new rhythm of life with Him at the center. A joining of our life with His. Our heavenly Father with us as His treasured child.

This new rhythm can be fraught with ups and downs, successes and failures. And that’s ok. It takes time and practice to sync up with the steps of Jesus. As we spend time with Him, He teaches us ways to follow Him that fit into our lives today. He provides us with the tools we need to help us. Through practice and learning with other followers, we gain a better understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

Like the first dance at a wedding, the bride is guided around the floor by the groom. She follows His lead. Imagine the Lord leading you on the dance floor. The gentle pressure of His hand on your back guides you into a rhythm of meeting with Him daily.

It’s about relinquishing the need to be in control and letting God guide you along the path for what fits best in your life. At first, your daily meeting with the Lord may feel uncomfortable. But as you persevere, your desire to know Him better will increase. The uncomfortable is an opportunity to experience spiritual growth.

As followers of Jesus, we all struggle to stay in sync with Him. Me included. To find a rhythm where we keep Him at the center is not always black and white. What works in one season may not work in another. There may be seasons where the Lord feels silent. There will be days when we receive fresh insight from His Word. Each day becomes an opportunity to share our day with the Lord and seek His thoughts for our day.

You are His beloved! Loved, chosen and precious in His sight. Your presence matters to Him and He wants to spend time with you.

There are a variety of ways you can spend time with Him each day. You can journal your prayers, use a Bible Reading Plan, listen to worship music, take a walk, even listen to the Bible. All these ways, plus others, help us encounter Jesus throughout our day and stay connected to Him.

CLICK HERE for a free resource to help you connect with Jesus today!

Think about how you like to connect with friends and how you might employ those methods in your time with Jesus. I enjoy coffee with friends and sitting outdoors. So I combine the two and have coffee, my bible and journal outside in the morning with the Lord. It is our time together.

Take some time today to spend with the Lord. Sit with Him awhile. Seek His guidance on how you can create space in your day to grow your relationship. Your presence matters to Him and He delights in spending time with you.


“Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.”
Ephesians 1:4-5 NLT


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4 thoughts on “My Chosen Beloved”

  1. Julie, well said! What a beautiful picture you paint for us with these words. Thank you for this reminder that we are chosen and loved.

  2. I’ve been pretty consistent in my Bible reading time with the Lord most mornings, but thanks for the great reminder about why it is so important. I love him and I want to spend time with him! ~Robyn

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