Bright and windy. The wind chimes are twinkling furiously and the musical songs of the birds in the field relax my soul. Joyful sounds on an early fall day that stirs a passion within me to get outdoors and to be in God’s creation. To soak up the warmth, observe the changes in nature and enjoy the beauty God places before my eyes.
This is also the time of year when things get busy. We’re shuttling kids to activities, we’re heading off to bible studies, school is in full swing and our schedules get crazy. I have found myself filling my schedule in the hopes of fitting every last moment of fun into the remnants of good weather before it changes. I’ve noticed the busyness of my days can begin to draw me away from relationships and set my focus on myself and the “activities” before me. Can you relate? As the busyness fills our days, relationships often get lost in the shuffle.
Jesus has been reminding me of His passion for us to be in relationship with Him and others. He is revealing to me that filling my days full with tasks, errands, and chores, is drawing me from the one thing that can bring energy and vitality to my life. Relationships. And not simply relationships with friends and family, but with the ONE relationship that can help me live a fuller life. My relationship with Jesus. I’ve noticed as my schedule fills, time in His Word and prayer decrease and become at times, less of a priority. And then I wonder how and why I get off track. We have been created by Him, and for Him, for relationship (Colossians 1:16). Our souls need this connection with Him to thrive, blossom and to be content.
What is the status of your relationship with Jesus? Be honest. Is it lukewarm or are you actively spending time with Him? And what does that look like for you on a daily basis?
As we seek out Jesus more in our daily lives, investing in our relationship with Him, we will find a new-found sense of freedom in our souls. A freedom to love more freely, freedom to live full on for Jesus, and to see with new eyes those around us.
Relationships take investments of time to be strengthened and to grow. Where can you alter your schedule to spend daily time with Jesus? He makes time for you everyday. He is passionately pursuing you. Seeking to get your attention with every sunrise and sunset. In the changing colors of the leaves and in the birds singing, He is there, waiting for you to come and spend some time with Him.
How do you carve out some time for a relationship with Jesus? For me, I need to set aside time each morning for reading the Bible, journaling and praying. But some days I like to shake it up and play worship music as I take a walk in nature, singing my heart out to the Lord (yes out loud!!). Some days I simply talk to Him like He is having a cup of coffee with me. Those moments, holy and sacred to me, fill me for the day, center my thoughts on the One who is in control and helps me remember the love of the Savior for me.
Jesus went out of His way to find the woman at the well and bring her to faith. (John 4:7-30) In Luke 15, Jesus gives some parables that show His passion for those He loves. The shepherd who leaves the 99 to find the one lost sheep. The woman looking for the lost coin – He will turn the house upside down to find you. And in Mathew 13:45, the merchant selling everything to buy the much valued pearl.
Jesus gave His all for YOU, His life for yours. Death for our sins. Yours and mine. Yet, He doesn’t demand a relationship with you, but He quietly and passionately continues to seek you out. Out of love for you.
As God continues to pursue you, I pray you’ll see Him around you each day and will take time to grow your relationship with Him and live life to the full in His presence.
So beautifully shared. Thanks for your reminder of His love for me, for seeking me out. And most important how passionate He is about my life and why I need to seek Him out too! God bless!
Your words are always so inspiring and encouraging! Keep writing! I love to read what God has planted on your heart!