Precious Moments

Precious Moments

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Precious Moments

The words echo in my head, “Come see gamma!” My granddaughter wanting my full attention, she grabs my hand and with joy pulls me to see her rock pile. She sees beauty in each rock she gently placed on her chair and desires for me to see what brings her joy. The sweetness of seeing her face filled with joy as she shows me her creation, melts my heart.

“Come and see grandma!” Simple words expressing a deep desire to spend time together, for me to put aside what I’m doing so she can show me something she finds important.

How often do I miss Jesus calling me to put aside what I’m doing to come spend time with Him? Come and See my daughter, spend time with me, sit at My feet and be refreshed. Jesus, eagerly waiting for me to join Him, to be filled with His joy and be refreshed.

I sense Him asking me to come and see especially when I am distracted and feeling a loss of connectedness with Him. It can be difficult to carve out time to spend with Him in true uninterrupted quiet. If you are raising children, finding even a spare moment to breathe is difficult, let alone carve out time to go to Jesus. My friend, it is worth our time to take even a few minutes to go and sit with Him. In those precious moments we can find shelter under His arms, a period of rest and refreshment, and a refueling for the day. 

Do you feel Jesus calling you to come and see, to spend time in His arms and allow Him to refresh your spirit?

Jesus calls us to come and see what life can be like when we walk with Him. When we take a moment to be sheltered under His wings and learn from Him. By carving out an intimate quiet moment with Jesus, even if only for 5-10 minutes, He will refresh our souls. In those moments, our conversation with Jesus warms our souls and strengthens us to face the day. Our focus changes from ourselves to Him and we are more equipped to move through our day loving others well.

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.  
(Psalm 119:103)

My friend, Jesus sees your daily circumstances, He sees your struggles and knows exactly what you need today. He has a personal message for you.  A message of hope, love and encouragement to coat your inner being and fuel you in a way nothing else can. Won’t you open His word and come and see what He has waiting for you today.

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