The Importance of Spiritual Rest: How to Recharge Your Soul
Spiritual rest can be elusive.
With the days lengthening, I’m filling my calendar with fun activities. I can’t wait for boating with family and friends, warmer days on the patio watching a sunset, exploring new trails on my bike, and longer days to linger and be present.
I enjoy every moment of summer and the fun of gathering with those I love. But physical rest can elude me as I jam-pack my schedule. (Can you say FOMO?) And as I fill my days with fun, my spiritual rest suffers if I’m not careful.
My “well-honed” spiritual practices change as the days lengthen. And, if I’m honest, my morning time with Jesus slips in priority. When that happens, my dependence on Him lessens, and daily peace eludes me. My relationship with Him changes as I underestimate the importance of time with Him, and my peace, patience, and joy decline.
Now God didn’t go anywhere. He’s still present, inviting me to live out of a place of rest with Him. The subtle shift happens as I fill my calendar and allow other things priority over spending time with Him. This shift occurs subtly, and when I finally notice, my legs are wobbling on a tight rope where the rest I seek is on the opposite side of the canyon.
Living from a place of physical and spiritual rest is a delicate balance. It’s hard keeping FOMO at bay and looking at the bigger picture.
God wants us to enjoy life. He created us for fun and relationship. He loves when we gather and enjoy all life offers.
But how do we find balance?
We can scale back our calendars and receive the physical rest we need. But for most of us, choosing spiritual rest is at the bottom of our list.
Worldly rest has many facets. Yet, God’s rest is different. His rest is an open invitation to all who call on Him by faith. As we believe, His rest becomes available immediately.
The rest Jesus offers comes through a personal relationship with Him. His rest is filled with peace, freedom, and forgiveness. Where we can cease striving to measure up. As we live in His rest, He fills the emptiness within us.
True rest is received when we come to Christ just as we are. There’s no need for “cleaning” ourselves up. He accepts us right now. But He loves us too much to leave us as we are. He wants us to place our hands in His and do life together. He will guide our decisions, transform us, and grow our faith.
He created us to live from a place of rest with our hands in His.
God designed you for a purpose.
He loves you and desires you to live and work from a place of physical and spiritual rest. He is opening the door, and the choice is yours whether you walk through it.
How do you receive the spiritual rest you need?
Faith is your first step.
If you have questions about what it means to believe in Jesus, I’d be honored to answer them. Email Me Now. Or ask a friend or pastor who can help answer your questions. Another great resource is Starting Point which helps answer questions about faith.
Seek Jesus in prayer. Trust Him. He will help you find a daily rhythm of connection with Him. Life is full of twists and turns, but time with the Lord is possible through prayer and the Holy Spirit’s help. Pray that God reveals Himself to you in a way you can recognize.
Lord Jesus, help my sweet sister create a daily rhythm of time with You. Increase her desire to know You deeper and develop a personal relationship with You. Protect her from the evil one’s schemes to keep her from success. May she experience the true rest You offer.
Choose a time and place to meet with Jesus. How will you use this time? For a few ideas, check out the list I’ve created. Daily Dates with Jesus
Don’t beat yourself up if finding the right rhythm for this season of your life takes time. Continue trying different practices until it sticks, but don’t give up. What worked for one season of life might not work in this season. I am cheering you on and praying you through.
Worship draws you closer to God and opens you to receive His love. You experience His touch as you relax into the words and rhythm of the music. Thank Him for your life. Praise Him for who He is. Open your hands toward heaven and surrender yourself to His loving care.
We can live a bountiful life when we balance physical and spiritual rest. Our connection to Jesus fuels our souls, guides our decisions, and offers us opportunities to experience joy and peace even when busy. Living from a place of spiritual rest enables us to encounter Him in the ordinary moments of our day.
“What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.”
1 Peter 1:3-5 (MSG)
Such a thoughtful and insightful post! I love how you emphasized the importance of spiritual rest and taking the time to recharge our souls. It’s a great reminder to prioritize self-care and nurture our inner peace. Thank you for sharing these valuable tips!
Thank you. I pray the Lord helps you find the time to recharge and experience His perfect rest.
In our fast-paced world, we often overlook the significance of spiritual rest. This blog beautifully highlights the importance of nourishing our souls. Just as our bodies need rest, our spirits require rejuvenation too. The tips provided offer practical ways to find solace and reconnect with our inner selves. It’s a reminder that true vitality stems from a balanced life, where spiritual rest is an essential ingredient. An inspiring read for anyone seeking inner peace and a deeper sense of purpose.
Ashley, As we allow our bodies the physical rest they need, we open the way for the Lord our God to provide the spiritual rest our soul requires. When we do, we find we can live with our hand in His and have the peace our soul seeks.