I have to say, sometimes God surprises me. He never ceases to amaze me with the timing of these surprises. Last week I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the amount of new information I was learning and just couldn’t “see” through the information any longer. I couldn’t even seem to focus on the day ahead and I simply needed to disengage from all the “learning.” I was sitting at my kitchen table reading my devotional and happened to look up and I saw the most beautiful sunrise. For me, it was an instant reminder that God is in the details. He knew I needed to see evidence of His presence at that moment and to be reminded, the sun will rise everyday, and He will be walking before us preparing the way ahead. I just knew in that moment, it was time to simply rest on His promises and surrender yet again my fears and worries.
I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to carry my burdens tightly in my hands and let those worries gather steam. At times, it is incredibly difficult to surrender them before God, but when I do, there is such peace. I am so grateful He is always available to listen to my pleas and to shoulder the burden in my place.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. (Isaiah 43:2)
Today is a big day for us. It is our transplant orientation day. We will be learning both what will be required of me and also, what it is required to become a living donor. I’ve heard from a good source, that the day is long, overwhelming, and filled with information. We go into this day armed with the love of God, resting in the shelter of His wings, and trusting Him to guide the way.
Along with so many of you, we have begun praying for a kidney match for me. For the timing of each detail, for good health during the process, and most of all that God would be glorified through it all.
I find it incredibly fascinating that God created us with 2 kidneys. We were created with a spare. I know from experience how well we can live with only one kidney, I have lived this way for all of my 53 years and it has served me so well up till now. God has provided a way for the perfect gift for those in need of a new kidney. I pray with eager anticipation to see how this gift will be revealed in my life and by whom.
Today is a day of opportunity. A day to be thankful for a God who provides, to be thankful for a God who is filled with love, and to be thankful for the blessing of family and friends who are carrying us in prayer.
Love to all,
Thanks for sharing your inner most thoughts and concerns and in a way to encourage all of us through whatever we are dealing with. My prayers are with you today and until God reveals His plan for you. Hugs. June
Julie, your authenticity is beautiful and I know God uses it to encourage others including me. Praying for God to help you process all the information you undoubtedly are carrying today…and for him to answer your prayers quickly and clearly. Hugs to you, Lynette
Praying for a match made in heaven!
Dear Julie,
Prayers for your health, may God provide peace , strength, and comfort for you and your family, and for the perfect donor match to come forth soon!
God bless you on this day with all the information you will obtain. God is with you all the way. You are such an inspiration to me.
Julie: As a living kidney donor, on the eve of the 7th anniversary of donating to my father, I pray for a donor that will be perfect for you. I was not a match for my father, but the best non match available. May God provide peace during this time–for you and the match that is out there but yet to be found. For His protection and hands on the medical team. May your match come forward soon.
Dear Julie,
Thank you for your honesty, courage and faith! You are an inspiration to us all! God is right with you as you head on this journey! Praying you you every day!
Oh Lord, may You bring forth a donor match soon! May you continue to fill Julie and her family with love, peace and comfort. May You guide them and her medical team and give them wisdom and discernment to make the right decisions!
Julie, God will be walking beside you and all our prayers go with you. God bless you and everyone being tested for you. Love and prayers.
Gary & Bev
Praying Gods peace ❤