The Pleasure of His Presence
It’s been awhile since I’ve taken the time to write just for the sheer pleasure of the writing. To share my love of Christ with all of you, my friends, as we walk with the Lord. Over the last few months, I found that my “weariness” had taken a hold of me in a way I was not accustomed. The weariness did not draw me away from God, it simply took over the corners of my heart, shutting out the creativity that God has placed there.
Can you relate to living from a point of weariness? Is the weariness drawing you away from the pleasure of living each day with an openness to experiencing God?
Fascinating questions in the busy day to day lives we lead. We’re always connected to our phones, running from one place to the next, sometimes simply running on fumes. Are you weary from fulfilling all the “titles” in your life: wife/husband, parent, wage earner, provider? Or maybe, you are like me, dealing with the uncertainty of medical outcomes that I have no control over. Whatever place of weariness you are coming from, know that God desires to deliver you through it and revive you to a new place of peace.
Honestly, I was a little surprised when God revealed to me my “weariness.” I didn’t feel weary, actually just the opposite, I was busy, engaged, and learning. Dealing day to day with the medical, but God showed me that my soul and spirit were weary. Very gently God opened my eyes through scripture verses, showing me I was carrying the weight of my health and that was making my soul weary.
God wanted me to know He truly saw my weariness of trying to carrying the burden and He wanted to revive me, to heal me back to a better spiritual health. But I had a part to play, I needed to take some time to soak in God’s word, to be out in the beauty of nature and to allow myself some physical rest to be restored.
God desires to bear our burdens.
“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” (Ps 68:19)
Often times we are simply running on overdrive, going through the motions of each day and don’t recognize the burdens we are carrying which make us weary. God sees every burden we are living in and with, and He wants us to hold them out to Him to shoulder so we are not crushed by them. When we turn to Him daily, sharing our burdens with Him in prayer, the simple pleasures of life with Christ can be recognized and this is when we can be revitalized.
“My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” (Ps 63:8)
Clinging to God in the midst of my weariness has allowed me to recognize His presence, His direction, and to be revived to a place of peace. To do this I find I need to thirst after Him alone, to give myself permission to take a few extra moments a day to meditate upon His words. To fill the corners of my heart with Him alone.
What would this look like in your life? What might you have to put aside?
By clinging to Him, we can find He is our source of energy and strength, our attitudes improve and we become filled with thanksgiving. The pleasure of living as a follower of Christ becomes magnified in our lives and His light will shine through us for all to see.
This is the kind of life I desire to live. It is not always easy. There are days I struggle to keep my focus on Christ and instead chose to carry my burden alone. I often have to remind myself, or be reminded, that I need to give over my burdens to God so I can lead the life He calls me to live. A fruitful life of peace, filled with the pleasure of His presence.
God alone, in His steadfast love, can revive our souls each day. Draw near to Him today and allow Him to fill you with the pleasure of His presence.
You never fail to strike a chord within me, Julie! Your blog is such a generous sharing of your faith and talent, inspiring so many. Thank you! I hope you know how much you are missed. You are always on my mind, in my heart, and most especially, in my prayers. Love you….
Well said!! Thanks for your wise words.
I cannot even begin to tell you how much I needed the reminders of letting Christ be more present in my life right now. I have been so self absorbed in the daily life activities and my own personal struggles I have not been giving it all to Him!! Your words reminded me at just the right moment that He is there for me. I sometimes get so wrapped up in the business of life that i don’t take the time to sit and reflect. And sometimes I think that is because the reality of reflecting reminds us of those struggles, but your words remind me that I am not in this alone. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I always look at life differently after reading what you have to say!!!
Oh Julie, I hear your quest for peace, your quest for life in Him. Thank you again for sharing your deepest feelings and find a way to express them in words. He meets us where we are and we can go as we choose. Glory be! God bless you!