Turning Disappointment into Delight
We’ve all experienced disappointment before. We’re going along in life and then something doesn’t quite go the way we expected. How we process this disappointment can definitely be a life changing experience. Will we react in anger, give up, or persevere forward? Will the disappointment stall us and hold us back, or will we look up and ask God what are you up to?
I’ve experienced another health setback this month. My cancer has returned in my bladder which really brought forth not just disappointment but anger. The tumor was very small, we caught it very early, and it is treatable (with a 90% success rate). Yet I was angry that this was happening to me yet again. Cancer 3 times in my lifetime-not exactly the life I anticipated.
It was interesting to me that I hung on to my anger for a while, almost refusing to let it go, until God showed me in his most patient manner how my anger was holding me back from living and growing. I’ve asked God frequently, WHY AGAIN? (I still haven’t gotten an answer and I may never get the answer I am looking for.) But what God is showing me is his goodness along the way.
Mine is not the only story out there of cancer diagnosis, disappointment, health issues, hardship. It’s all around us. This journey we call life is filled with ups and downs. But how we choose to see life and live it in the challenges can make or break us.
I choose to delight in life and in my Savior. This disappointment could define me, I could let this illness define me, but I am choosing to let God be the beacon of light in my life and to delight each day in His provisions. From the love of friends and family, the prayers of friends and strangers, to the endless support and patience of my husband, all of these pieces of joy from God each and every day.
Today I am blessed with sunshine, birds singing, warmer weather and God’s word to sustain me. The perfect words for this day, my daily bread. Isaiah 41:10-13:
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. “See, all your angry enemies lie there, confused and humiliated. Anyone who opposes you will die and come to nothing. You will look in vain for those who tried to conquer you. Those who attack you will come to nothing. For I hold you by your right hand—I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.’
I trust God to strengthen my resolve, to carry me when I can’t take another step, and to urge me forward when he knows I can do it. He is not only my encourager and cheerleader, but my Father and King. Jesus set the ultimate example of perseverance through trials and He was and is victorious. I too am victorious in Christ each day when I rely on Him to get me through, not just through the day but to delight in the pleasures of living each day in the moment.
Do you delight in the Savior’s presence? When was the last time you talked to him in your disappointment? Won’t you share with him today and ask him to help you learn to delight in Him even in your disappointments.
Yours in Christ,
God’s presence in our lives can be like a butterfly carrying us on His wings or like a brick sometimes feels like we can’t breathe under it’s weight. The faith you have shown through your trials and through sharing them with us provides you with His power and flight. He is blessing you in all of it. Thank you Jesus for giving us your Spirit to help sustain us through it all. Continue to carry Julie along this path she has had to endure. Blessing and healing power to you Julie.
What a disappointment, I am so sorry. Wish we had all the answers , Why Me? I am glad for your positive outlook, you are always looking on the bright side. I will keep praying for you and thinking of you.. May God be with you and your family through these difficult times.
Love and Huges
Julie sorry to hear this. Praying for you. What a positive outlook you have. God bless you and your family. I miss you at the Carecenter
Julie, sorry to hear the updated news. You are so strong with an amazing positive outlook. Prayers & love sending your way.
Ahhh, there you are, you Warrior Woman of Valor!! Another discouraging bit of news but I love how you allow the anger to work its way through (’cause you know God can handle it) and you come out the other side seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing you are not alone and blessed. His compassions never fail…they are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness…and great is yours! I love you, I need you to survive!! My love and prayers are yours always!!
God has a purpose even in these new difficulties. That is also why he provides those people in our lives to encourage us. I don’t pretend to understand everything and am also asking “Why this?”.
You remain in my prayers and I hope there is peace even in the difficult moments.
In the days of “WHY AGAIN” you have such a profound outlook! Anger is okay and as you have said He is with us and He will never leave us! John and I keep you in our prayers EVERY day!
Julie, this is not the news we always hope for and an unwanted surprise. God is with you and your strength. Prayers and love for you everyday. ❤️