Walking into the Unknown
I have been moved over the last few days by the song “Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells. This song really seems to fit my current mood. I am learning I need to continually lean into the Lord, especially now that we are only 1 week from my surgery. I need this constant reminder that He is with me even in the upcoming unknowns. I need this constant reminder to continually lift my eyes to Him, to release each fearful thought, and trust He has a plan for me, for my health and for my family.
Last week I was in such a rut. I felt frozen by fear, lost in too much thought and my eyes had begun to drift ever so slowly from the God who loves me and is in control, to the looming surgery. It’s amazing how quickly we can take a step backward and end up in a place we don’t want to be.
I found myself sitting directly in the middle of what Paul says in Romans 7:15 “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” I had backed myself into a corner of spiritual dryness and wasn’t even sure how I got there. I saw myself as this old fire hydrant we see each week on our bike ride. Rusted out, dry and without a drop of water.
I share this because I know I am not the only one who experiences a rut in times of stress, so many of us do, but I share this because I think it’s important that we give voice to these moments with a trusted friend or family member. And most importantly, we need to be honest about those moments with the Lord and obediently confess them before the throne of grace. It is in the confession that we find relief, peace, and a new-found sense of life. In the confession, the stronghold is broken.
Our great God wants us to come before Him with everything. His shoulders are big, His strength is sufficient to carry us through, and His love endless for you. Our God is truly amazing and in our struggles(and joys) He is always with us. “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.”(Genesis 28:15)
Our pastor at church gave a great sermon on Spiritual Grit recently and his message right when I needed to be reminded. God is so good to bring words we need to hear right at the perfect time. His message really helped me put words to what I was experiencing, but his message also reminded me that it does take grit to get through this life. He quoted Angela Duckworth as saying “Grit is living life like it’s a marathon not a sprint.” This is so true.
He also gave some key points on Spiritual Grit that I have used in my life and I hope these points bless you as well. As we persevere in this life, we need to drop the weight that is strangling us, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus, we should compare our path to Jesus, and lastly, remember you are a child of God. If you have time, listen to his full message, I know his words will be a blessing to you. The Greatest Trailblazer
When we ask Jesus, through prayer, to help us see each day with fresh eyes and ask Him to walk in the day with us, we can experience a fullness even in the roughest of circumstances. It’s in the prayer, in our honestly, that the weight of the day ahead is released into His care.
So what do you do when you hit a rut in your spiritual life, when you experience spiritual dryness? God is teaching me that sometimes the best thing to do is continue to put one foot in front of the other, open my Bible and read his words, letting them wash over me. In those moments my heart is touched by his love and it becomes a holy moment with God. Through faith and perseverance, the love of Jesus and the hope found only in Him, I find joy in the struggles of the day.
What burden are you caring today? Has rust collected in your thoughts and in your bones? Confess your worries to God and let the life-giving water of Jesus bring you back to a life of joy and peace.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12)
I’ll put a post up this weekend with some specific prayer requests for my surgery.
Blessings my friends,
Your faith in Jesus will carry you through this life and bless us as you share your journey. Thank you for opening up your deepest feelings. Blessings and prayers to you in the next few weeks. ❤️ June
Continuing in prayer for you and your family. Your blogs inspire me as you are continuing along this journey God has placed before you.
May you continue to feel His presence and peace. Love Romans 12:12. Love you my friend!
Julie, beautifully written. May you continue to feel our Lord Jesus lifting you up and meeting you where and when you need him. Praying without ceasing!
I love reading your words. They make me think about so much. Praying for you and your family for the coming weeks ahead. I know God is watching over you!
Thanks Julie, continuous prayers for God’s strength , love and peace throughout this time.
I truly admire your strength and how courage you are. Thank you for all your spiritual messages, they make one think about their life and where it is going. I will be thinking of you and your family and will continue to pray for all of you
Thank you. Praying God is close as you move ahead ❤️❤️