Soul Care Part 3: Willingness
Last week we saw the Power in Observing our patterns of behavior and how this helps us recognize the affect they have on our soul care. This week let’s focus on the importance of a WILLING heart.
As you’ve been praying, what patterns of behavior(s) has the Holy Spirit revealed that are detrimental in caring for your soul?
If I’m honest, I often don’t like the answer God impressed upon my heart. I usually take pretty good care of myself and yet, God nailed it. My desire for chocolate and coffee, when I’m stressed, is not good for me. In excess they make my heart race and skip a beat. My racing heart makes it difficult for me to focus or listen well. The underlying cause for my stress is linked to my lack of trust in Jesus.
Instead of grabbing coffee or chocolate, I should stop and pray. When I finally share my fears and concerns with Jesus, He calms my doubts, brings clarity, and my soul is at peace.
Friends, God knows what’s best for us, even when disagree. He loves and desires to help us care for our souls. However, sometimes our fear of change and the world’s me first society, send our trust in God into a tailspin. As the tailspin grows, reversing course is difficult. Spiritual practices stop the tailspin.
Spiritual practices are crucial in caring for our soul.
Is your heart willing to make changes?
Raise your hand if you’re resistant? Mine is raised!
The world tells us we need to change in our own strength, powering through and showing fortitude. This is not what Jesus teaches.
Jesus says His grace is sufficient and His POWER is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9) His POWER is available to help us change so we can better care for our soul. As we turn to Him, He equips and strengthens us.
When God reveals areas in our life where we need changes in our soul care, we can obediently step forward in faith, with confidence, knowing Jesus will come alongside.
It is not easy to change course and break patterns of behavior. But when those patterns no longer serve us well, interfering with the peace we receive from Jesus, that’s incentive enough to change.
With a willing heart and through the POWER of the Holy Spirit, we have the strength necessary to change.
This week, ask Jesus to soften your heart and help you change. As you make changes and better care for your soul, you will experience the refreshment Jesus provides.
Lord Jesus, increase my desire for prayer. Help me observe my patterns of behavior that draw me away from you and from caring for my soul. My desire is for a consistent prayer life. Lord, I am willing to change my rhythm of life, so I am more in tune with you. Reveal how I can better care for my soul. I trust you will give me the strength to change. As I daily abide in you, renew my soul, and open my mind to hear you more clearly. I love you Jesus.
Read January’s post on Soul Care Power
Read Soul Care Part 1: Prayer
Read Soul Care Part 2: Observation