Soul Care Part 4: Expectancy
Last week we saw how the Power of a Willing heart helps us make intentional changes in our soul care routine. (Read Here) This week let’s focus on praying with an Expectant heart.
In our prayer time, God sometimes makes us aware of behaviors that interfere with caring for our soul and receiving His peace. This new awareness is His way of showing us a change in our behavior is necessary. Some changes He asks of us are small, but others may seem difficult. This is when the POWER of the Holy Spirit is available to help us make the changes He reveals.
When God reveals our need for change, we can step forward in faith, expecting He will guide our steps.
As we make changes, we may experience resistance from the evil one—he prefers we keep our focus off Jesus—but with the POWER of the Holy Spirit, change is possible. Expect Jesus to equip us by providing encouragement and strength.
Scripture is filled with truth about our strength coming from Jesus. One of the most quoted is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13 NKJV) For a fuller picture of what Paul is talking about read more here. By fixing our thoughts on Jesus, abiding in His presence, the Holy Spirit provides the strength necessary to change.
As you care for your soul in the presence of Jesus, expect to receive His promised peace. Not only will you receive peace, but the light of Jesus will shine brighter through you. People will recognize a difference in you. They may even ask why you seem peaceful, creating a perfect opportunity for sharing the love of Christ.
When you pray expect Jesus to answer.
Friends, He is always listening for your voice. I’m not saying He’ll answer the way you desire but He promises to give you the strength for what’s ahead. He has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)
As you seek His face through spiritual practices, Jesus empowers you to change. But action is required on your part. You need a willing heart as you step forward in faith to make those changes. He won’t ask you to make huge sweeping changes, but He will ask you to spend time with Him and listen more intently for His voice.
Today, do an internet search for scripture verses on our strength comes from the Lord. Choose one to encourage you. Post it where you will see it. Memorize it. Encourage us by sharing your verse in the comments or emailing me directly. Next week we’ll close out my series when we reflect how Jesus renews our soul as we become more attuned to His voice.
Remember, Jesus provides you the power and strength to change.
Lord Jesus, increase my desire to pray. Help me observe my patterns of behavior that draw me away from you and from caring for my soul. My desire is for a consistent prayer life. Lord, I am willing to change my rhythm of life, so I am more in tune with you. Reveal how I can better care for my soul. I trust you will give me the strength to change. As I daily abide in you, renew my soul, and open my mind to hear you more clearly. I love you Jesus. Amen.
Read January’s post on Soul Care Power
Read Soul Care Part 1: Prayer
Read Soul Care Part 2: Observation
Read Soul Care Part 3: Willingness
1 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind.” That scripture has helped me endure through the pandemic!
Mary, I too am grateful for scripture during the pandemic. His Word has helped me gain perspective, has helped me endure and has been a constant source of encouragement. He is good!!!
I believe Expect comes from the love ❤️ love of Christ and I feel so encouraged when I expect.
Lynn, He is with us always and I am grateful His ears are always listening for our voice.